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The Four Major Types of Air Filters

The Four Major Types of Air Filters

Hygienic air is essential to human life, and in this modern age, that requires air cleaners. There are a few different methods of air cleaning, like Filtration, Electro-static Precipitation and Ion Generation. Air Filtration cleans air through the removal of sub-micron particulate, gases and odors. If you are plagued by allergies or asthma, an air filter might help you. Air filters are the best tools for eradicating allergens from the house. Particularly for those people who are suffering from asthma and allergies, both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Lung Association recommend air filtration.

The ability to remove allergens and contaminants depends on the amount of air drawn through the filter. Factors that affect filter efficiency include fiber size, fiber density, airflow rate, and particle diameter. Air filters may be centralized, in-home filtration systems or portable devices. When the air quality problems exist throughout the house, then a centralized filtration system is needed. Otherwise, portable cleaner may serve the purpose of air filtration.

There are four major types of air filters, depending on specific needs. They are:

Mechanical Filters

These filters force air through a special screen that traps pollen, dust particulate, smoke and air-borne irritants and pet dander. The best example of this type of filters is HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter.

Gas Phase Filters

These air filters are used for removing odors and other types of pollutants such as gases from cooking, paints, perfume etc. These filters are not meant for the removal of allergens in the home.

Electronic Filters

In these types of filters, allergens are trapped through electrostatic precipitators with a fan. Electronic filters use electric charges to attract contaminants.

Hybrid Filters

These air filters combine electrostatic and mechanical filters. These are used to trap allergens rather than gas based contaminants.

Another type of air filters is the Ozone air filter, but it is not environment-friendly.

When purchasing an air filter, one has to consider things like which type of allergens will be removed, the filter's efficiency with respect to HEPA standards, the clean air delivery rate (CADR) of the filter, the ease of changing the filter, and the noise that it will make. Changing air filters regularly facilitates is ability to improve the quality of air.

The Four Major Types of Air Filters

Air Filter

A/C Condensate cesspool charwoman video HOW-TO


Tube. Duration : 6.80 Mins.

A/C Condensate cesspool charwoman video HOW-TO

A nice how-to for home owners. Comments appreciated!

A/C Condensate cesspool charwoman video HOW-TO

A/C Condensate cesspool charwoman video HOW-TO


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Auto Cabin Air Filter - Does Your Car Have One?

Did you know that some autos have a cabin air filter, an "air purifier" built into the air conditioning (AC) system?

Aftermarket industry surveys have shown that a majority of vehicle owners are unaware of this feature and whether their car or truck has a cabin air filter.

These filters have been added to vehicles in the last 20 years without much publicity. Placed on European autos in the mid 1980's, cabin air filters began to appear on US cars and trucks around 1995. Now the cabin air filter is common on American and Asian automobiles.

Cabin filters do not have standardized sizing, specifications, technology, or materials. There isn't even standard terminology.

Lots of cars are running with dirty, clogged cabin filters. Air conditioning and heating performance will be degraded and inside air quality will suffer if the filter is not serviced. When there is no pre-filter screen, leaves, twigs, and dirt will clog the filter media. Road grime will turn a white filter ugly black in about 12,000 miles.

Where is my Cabin Air Filter?

If you drive a 2000 or newer car, it probably has a filter.

Replacement is sometimes covered in the owner's manual. However, many manuals are cryptic at best, herding consumers to high priced dealer service departments.

Dealer service desk personnel should be able to advise you as to whether your car has a cabin air filter.

They may charge from to 0 to replace it. But even if these prices seem acceptable to you, please read on. Not all replacement filters purify car cabin air equally well.

There is no list of car models with or without interior air filtration available. Worse yet, a given car model may have the option installed or not, depending on where it was sold or built, which drive train is installed, and other factors.

Filter manufacturer websites will have listings of replacements by make, model, and year. If you don't find your car listed after surfing a couple of these, you probable don't have a cabin filter.

Cabin air filters are often found behind an access panel in the AC duct housing, under the hood or inside the cab. It will often be on the passenger side.

Inside the cab, the filter cartridge may be accessed through or beneath the glove box. Under the hood, check the firewall near the AC plenum box for fasteners which may hold the cabin air filter housing. Many filters are located under the cowl.

The cowl is outside metal trim with vent louvers and windshield wipers sticking through it, below the windshield. Some cabin air filter installations require removal of part or all of the cowl. A common sign is an asymmetrical 2 piece cowl, with a shorter section on the passenger side.

Two types of cabin air filtration media are sold in the aftermarket: single and multiple stage filters. A single stage particulate filter, maybe just paper, is common in original equipment installations.

Single Stage Filters

These one stage filters trap larger airborne dust, the largest soot, and big allergens like pollen.

Premium cabin air filters typically use an electrostatically charged fiber mat to retain airborne particles. While far better than plain paper, these are not HEPA air filters. What particle size do they let through?

Evaluation of car cabin filters begins around the 10 micron size, with particle filtration efficiency falling rapidly in particle sizes smaller than 3 microns. Few sellers list particle efficiency and those that do may say: "The Cabin Air Filter can capture airborne particles that are larger than 3 microns."

Quality products capture particles as small as one micron, but at lower efficiencies, like 30%. Even the best cannot remove dangerous sub-micron particles.

Many standard one stage filter media are limp, without stiff edges to secure the filter firmly in the duct or plenum chamber. This allows dirty air to bypass.

Bypassing is often intentionally engineered to protect downstream AC components from overload.

Multiple Stage Filters

A multi-layer car air filter, typically using some activated carbon, reduces toxic gases and odors. Builders claim tests have shown carbon monoxide levels are reduced with the multi-stage filter models, but I think this is due to restricted intake rather than the actual removal of carbon monoxide.

Multiple stages on quality filters can have progressive size layers like prefilters in room air purifiers. The carbon layer comes last. More stages are definitely better. Best models have strong framing and sealed edges.

A top quality 5 stage charcoal filter may cost to , about double the original equipment replacement. This is a very small price for healthier air in the cabin.

Replacement Filter Rip-Offs

Driving conditions will determine the service life of a cabin air filter. Urban pollution and/or rural dust call for frequent changes.

Filter replacement is called for when reduced airflow lowers air conditioner, defroster, and heater throughput, but filters should be exchanged long before this is noticed. Odors from the AC ducts may be a signal. Owners' manuals usually recommend replacement around 15,000 miles.

Can I Do It Myself?

Do-it-yourselfers and shade tree mechanics will have no problem with 99% of cabin air filter installations. A few may require removal of the passenger side wiper assembly.

Installing a cabin filter can be a 20 second job anyone can do, like opening and closing a kitchen drawer. But some can require 30 minutes of a mechanic's time.

While quick-lube operators were slow to catch on, industry journals now report that cabin air filters are their highest margin upsale service. It's a new slant on the old service station low oil scam.

Workers are trained to spot the vehicle models with the easiest to change cabin air filter media. They offer an inferior new filter only to drivers of those car models. The cost is less than dealer service departments, but is excessive for the easy job performed.

It is important to get the correct filter for the application. Slick operators will sometimes substitute incorrectly fitting, cheap, air filter media.

If you are not mechanically inclined, I recommend insisting on premium multi-stage filter media and observing the process to learn how much time it actually takes.

I recommend frequent exchange of original equipment cabin air filters, using 5 stage premium quality aftermarket products.

Whether your car has original equipment cabin air filtration or not, please consider an aftermarket car air purifier.

Auto Cabin Air Filter - Does Your Car Have One?

Air Filter

CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007


Video Clips. Duration : 9.17 Mins.

CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007

Using a infrared lens I filmed these chemtrails for 30 minutes. I have cut it down to 10 minutes. You will be amazed at the state of the sky by the end of this film. The music is Well Balanced by Oliver Shanti & Friends.

CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007

CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007

CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007

No URL CHEMTRAILS beheld application Infrared. London 9am Dec 2007

How to Replace Your Furnace Air Filter

If you live in a home with furnace heat that you use regularly, or are getting set to use your heater throughout the winter, then one of your major home maintenance priorities is to make sure that your heater's filters are changed regularly. There is no reason to worry however; changing your furnace air filter is a quick and simple task that you can perform by yourself.

The general recommendation made by manufacturers is that you change furnace filters on a monthly basis. Your furnace manual should specify the recommended filter maintenance schedule if you are unsure of the frequency of recommended filter changes for your heater's model. When you are sure that it is time to change your filter, your next step is to read your instruction manual to make sure that you are following the proper sequence of actions to change the filter on your particular model. To help you, I have listed a general outline of the normal steps taken to change a furnace filter.

1. Using the electric switch supplied on your furnace, you need to disconnect the power, before you perform any furnace maintenance, including filter changes. If your heater is gas powered and not electric, you should also shut down your gas line connection.

2. Again referring to your specific model's manual, you need to locate and open the furnace blower door. Your reference manual should describe where it is and how to open the door on your furnace model.

3. Once the blower door is open, your furnace filter should be clearly visible. Simply slide out the filter to replace it with the new one. If you run into any problems or it seems to remove only with great difficulty, then I recommend you refer to your heater model's manual.

4. When you remove the furnace air filter, it should be easy to see if it does indeed need to be replaced. The purpose of a filter is to remove dirt and other particles from the air that flows through your heater system. If the filter is coated black, it is time to go. The condition of your filter should be obvious through simple visual inspection.

5. Your filter is not the only place where dirt collects however, especially if your filter is extremely clogged. Be sure to check for other accumulation in the blower itself, and in the venting system immediately surrounding your heater unit. Any obstruction of the furnace airway can cause not only inefficiency, but is also a major fire hazard.

6. After determining that the filter does need changed, and that no other obstructions exist, simple refer to your owner's manual, or to the description given on the old filter, so that you can get another filter from your local hardware store. Filters DO NOT usually interchange between models, so it is very important that you buy the correct one. If you have a washable furnace filter, remove it and wash all the dust out and replace the same way you removed it.

7. After purchase, simple replace the new filter into your furnace system in the exact same way that the old one came out. This is very important, as the filtration is unidirectional, meaning that the filter must be inserted so that the airflow is directed through it in the proper direction. Do not put your filter in backwards. Most filters are fiberglass, with one side that is slightly oily. This side usually faces the blower, and the other side collects the filtered material for disposal. If the texture (and of course your manual's description) does not give you an indication of the correct installation direction, then you might simple look at the filter itself. Most models will have printed arrows on them to show you which direction you should insert your filter.

8. When you are done, make sure that the blower door is securely closed, your power and gas connections are reactivated, and your thermostat is set at the appropriate temperature.

How to Replace Your Furnace Air Filter

Air Filter

After Effects Lesson: Logo Animation

Tube. Duration : 26.13 Mins.

After Effects Lesson: Logo Animation

Learn how to use Adobe After Effects for Logo Animation, I go over lots of different techniques including: precomposing, layer styles, tint filter, luma key filter and layer duplication. its a bit long, but enjoy it anyways. http and my channel

After Effects Lesson: Logo Animation

After Effects Lesson: Logo Animation


After Effects Lesson: Logo Animation

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Why Window Air Conditioners Ice Up

One of the most frustrating problems with a window air conditioner is if it starts to ice up. For the owner of the air conditioner is can be perplexing.

When this problem occurs most people immediately think it is the fault of the refrigerant gas. More often the cause is the result of other difficulties.

It is most often the result of poor airflow.

Any time the airflow through an air conditioner is restricted the cooling system becomes affected. If taken to extremes the critical pressure-temperature balance of the cooling coil can be changed. If they drop too low the cooling coils surface temperature can drop below the dew point temperature of the room. When this happens the cooling coil will begin to operate as a refrigerator rather than an air conditioner. Rather than simply cooling the air it will collect and hold moisture. The moisture will freeze onto the cooling coil where it will appear as ice.

The primary job of an air conditioner is to de-humidify, not refrigerate, the room air. By removing the moisture from the room air it gives us a feeling of comfort. To do this though the temperature of the cooling coil must always be higher than the room's dew point. If it is allowed to drop below the dew point the air conditioner will start to produce ice.

With this information in mind the following are a few problems that can result in your air conditioner icing up:

1. Dirty filter.
To avoid this replace or clean your filter every couple of weeks of the cooling season. If a smoker do it every week. To clean filter remove from air conditioner, wet thoroughly, and lay in bottom of a sink. Sprinkle detergent (laundry detergent works well) onto filter surface. Allow to sit for a few minutes. Add warm water to sink so that filter is completely covered. Soak for 15 minutes. Remove from water and rinse. Allow to air dry.

2. Dirty or blocked cooling coil.
An air conditioner requires regular maintenance. Usually every two or three years. Every year would be best, but this can be costly unless you do it yourself. During cleaning the cooling coil should be degreased and washed to remove accumulated dirt and debris. Degreasing is important to remove any coatings on the coil. If not done greasy residue can trap and hold air borne particles. They will build up on the coil and affect heat transfer. If left too long this can result in the cooling coil becoming partially blocked. This will produce a lower airflow.

3. Dirty or blocked condenser coil.
The condenser coil is the one at the rear of the air conditioner. Its job is to dissipate the heat that is being removed from the room. Just like the cooling coil it too must be cleaned every few years. Since the condenser is on the outside of the home it becomes exposed to a lot of dirt, pollen, and smog. Since airflow direction is from inside to outside it is the inside surface of the condenser that becomes dirty. Therefore to clean this part the air conditioner must be completely disassembled. If not cleaned regularly an airflow blockage here can even burn out the compressor. Before this happens though the lowering of airflow will affect the overall operation. This can result in the compressor efficiency dropping, the internal pressure-temperature relationships being affected, and the resultant production of ice on the cooling coil.

4. Inefficient compressor.
As describe above an inefficient compressor can cause icing up. If the compressor is not able to pump the refrigerant properly the cooing coil may not get cold enough to shut off the cold control. It can hover just above the cut off point. When this happens the cooling coil will begin to refrigerate. Ice on the cooling coil will result. If the compressor itself is at fault the air conditioner will have to be replaced. But note that many icing problems are misdiagnosed as bad compressors when they were actually one of the other faults discussed in this article.

5. Not enough refrigerant. Too much refrigerant.
Both scenarios can result in and icing condition. If your air conditioner was repaired recently suspect too much refrigerant. Mixed with an airflow problem this can be difficult to diagnose. If not repaired recently then suspect airflow problems before considering a refrigerant imbalance.

6. Outdoor temperature too low.
Icing can occur if the outside temperature falls below 60 Degrees Fahrenheit. If the outside temperature is too low the air conditioner pressure-temperatures can be affected. When the outside temperature falls the cooling coil temperature will also fall. So much that the coil will refrigerate the room air. This will result in the cooling coil beginning to produce ice. This problem is more prevalent in the fall. If it is hot during the day but cold at night suspect this problem as the cause of icing up. If this problem is suspected try running the air conditioner in the fan only position. Leave the re-circulating vent open. This will circulate the room air without cooling it, while bringing in a small amount of outside air during the night.

7. Oversized air conditioner.
If the air conditioner is too large for the room size icing up can result. If oversized the air conditioner can short-cycle. This condition is usually seen as the air conditioner starting and stopping every few minutes. Even though it runs almost constantly the air conditioner will give poor cooling. Use a sizing chart to determine what is the proper air conditioner size for that particular room.

8. Cold control not shutting off. If the cold control does not shut off the cooling coil surface temperature will drop below the room's dew point and begin to refrigerate. This will allow ice to build up onto the cooling coil.

9. Cold control bulb broken or loose. As in the previous paragraph this will result in the cold control not shutting off and ice to build up on the cooling coil. If this is suspected remove the front grille and inspect the bulb. If broken replace cold control. If bent, kinked, or not securely fastened suspect a problem here.

Also check out our other related articles about air conditioners:

How to Clean your Air Conditioner like a Pro

How to Size an Air Conditioner

Placement of a Window Air Conditioner

Why Window Air Conditioners Ice Up

Air Filter



Video Clips. Duration : 7.82 Mins.


New Suzuki GSXR 1000 L2 (2012) Run in on the dyno by MaxPower Motorcycles. Before and after horse power runs, Fitting Yoshimura 4 into 1 exhaust, Bazzaz Fuel managment system, K&N Air filter. First in Australia!!






How To Stop Your Air Conditioner From Freezing Up


My air conditioner is freezing up almost daily. I've tried resetting the temperature and nothing seems to work. What would you suggest I to to stop my air conditioner from freezing?


There are several factors that could be the cause. The four main reasons for air conditioner freeze ups:

Refrigerant charge

Outdoor temperature

Insufficient air flow

Defective blower

You may have a low refrigerant charge which can cause the air conditioner to freeze up. The system needs to be charged correctly to enable it to work properly. You may have a leak in the refrigerant lines.

If the lines have been vibrating or rubbing other parts or objects the friction could cause a leak. In addition if there are loose fittings or weak solder joints it could be leaking from those areas. If you've determined the refrigerant lines are not leaking than it may just need to be recharged. If you don't know how to recharge it you may need to contact a service technician.

In temperatures under 60 degrees outdoor air conditioning units tend not to function as well. When the temperature drops the system begins to not function properly and freeze ups can occur. The simplest method is to not use your unit when the temperature cools down and open your windows or doors. If that's not a option you will probably need to have a ambient temperature control installed in your system.

The evaporator coils will become dirty over time. A dirty filter restricts the air flow making it lose air flow and eventually it becomes so slow that it freezes up, or at best, not cooling as well as it should. This results in dirty coils that will need to be cleaned. Depending on your air conditioner you may have to remove the coils to clean them. You should replace the AC filter yearly. For central air conditioning units another problem that occurs is when you have duct work that is undersized causing the unit to freeze up. If you feel that may be the problem you'll need to consult a professional. Try replacing the filter first and it may do the trick.
Air conditioner freeze ups can occur when the blower is not running at the required speed and may need to be replaced.

These are the main reasons why air conditioners freeze up. If you're lucky it may just be a dirty filter which you should be able to replace yourself.

How To Stop Your Air Conditioner From Freezing Up

Air Filter

wr250x ride to work

Tube. Duration : 8.13 Mins.

wr250x ride to work

this is my normal route i take to work its a nice road this bike has plenty of passing power as you can see in the vid im running stock gearing and the only engine mod so far is a K&N air filter. vide was shot using my go pro hero camera with the go pro chesty harness

wr250x ride to work

wr250x ride to work


wr250x ride to work

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Car AC Low Air Flow Problems - Cabin Filter Or Expansion Valve?

Low airflow problems can be caused by a dirty cabin air filter, tree leaves in the evaporator case or from the evaporator getting too cold and icing up. Not all cars have cabin air filters for the passenger compartment. Many drivers are unaware that a cabin filter may even be in their car to begin with, that's the reason they can go for years without being changed. If experiencing low airflow through the dash vents; the cabin air filter, if equipped should be checked. It's not uncommon even for auto technicians to be unaware if a particular model, is equipped with a cabin air filter. That's why if you have low airflow it's worth mentioning the possibility that an air filter could be the problem to the auto technician.

Oak Trees

If the car is routinely parked underneath a tree (especially oak leaves since they're small) there's a good chance that leaves can be entering the car's AC duct-work. It's a good idea to keep the leaves cleaned off of the cowl area. The cowl area is near the windshield wipers below the windshield. Leaves tend to remain in this area easily. One of the problems with that is, the air-conditioning fresh air entrance is in that area. Many times the leaves get into the air-conditioning ventilation system through the fresh air duct work.

Evaporator Core Icing?

If the car AC blows very cold for a short period of time and then blows warm and a lower flow of air is experienced, the evaporator core may be icing up. Sometimes if the expansion valve is not working properly the evaporator gets too cold. This results in the condensation on the evaporator icing up in restricting the airflow through the evaporator fins. The expansion valve is designed to keep the evaporator cold but above the freezing point. One indication if this is occurring, is that the air-conditioning can be turned off for a few minutes (the ice has time melt) and then when it is turned back on it will work again for a few minutes until it ices up again. Another cause of the evaporator icing up can be if there is moisture in the system. If moisture is the problem the A/C dryer may have to be changed and then the system can be evacuated and recharged with a vacuum pump. The drying agent in the dryer along with the evacuation process will remove moisture from the AC refrigerant.

Car AC Low Air Flow Problems - Cabin Filter Or Expansion Valve?

Air Filter

Duramax Fuel Filter Change

Tube. Duration : 7.43 Mins.

Duramax Fuel Filter Change

Bi-weeklly "How to" #27 - Filter change and bleeding the fuel system. Truck used - 04 GMC 2500 - 6.6L Duramax - Engine Code 2

Duramax Fuel Filter Change

Duramax Fuel Filter Change


No URL Duramax Fuel Filter Change

Bi-weeklly "How to" #27 - Filter change and bleeding the fuel system. Truck used - 04 GMC 2500 - 6.6L Duramax - Engine Code 2

Air Filter

Car AC Low Air Flow Problems - Cabin Filter Or Expansion Valve?

Car AC Low Air Flow Problems - Cabin Filter Or Expansion Valve?
Car AC Low Air Flow Problems - Cabin Filter Or Expansion Valve?


Air Filter

this is my normal route i take to work its a nice road this bike has plenty of passing power as you can see in the vid im running stock gearing and the only engine mod so far is a K&N air filter. vide was shot using my go pro hero camera with the go pro chesty harness

Air Filter

How To Stop Your Air Conditioner From Freezing Up

New Suzuki GSXR 1000 L2 (2012) Run in on the dyno by MaxPower Motorcycles. Before and after horse power runs, Fitting Yoshimura 4 into 1 exhaust, Bazzaz Fuel managment system, K&N Air filter. First in Australia!!

Air Filter

Learn how to use Adobe After Effects for Logo Animation, I go over lots of different techniques including: precomposing, layer styles, tint filter, luma key filter and layer duplication. its a bit long, but enjoy it anyways. http and my channel

Using a infrared lens I filmed these chemtrails for 30 minutes. I have cut it down to 10 minutes. You will be amazed at the state of the sky by the end of this film. The music is Well Balanced by Oliver Shanti & Friends.
